Special Events:
”God’s Word is Our Great Heritage:”
A Conference on Creation and Education
in the LCMS!
02 - 04 May, 2019
02 May- Denver Society of Creation Meeting
7:00 PM
Dr. Jason Lisle
“Cosmology: Evolutionary Model
and Problems”
Free & Open to the Public!
To Print a Meeting Flyer, click here
To Print a Bulletin Insert, click here
Part I:
03 May - “Defending God’s Word God’s Way: A Workshop on
Pre-Suppositional Apologetics”
Dr. Jason Lisle, PH.D
“Understanding Genesis”
“The Ultimate Proof of Creation”
“Nuclear Strength Apologetics”, Part 1 and 2
To Print a Part I Flyer, click here
To Print a Part 1 Bulletin Insert, click here
Part 2:
03 May - 04 May, 2019 -
“Conference on Creation & Education in the LCMS”
Mr. Mike Riddle ,
President, Creation Training Initiative
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Dean Wenthe,
President Concordia University System
President Emeritus,
Fort Wayne Theological Seminary
President Terry Forke,
Montana District
President John Wille,
South Wisconsin District
President David Maier,
Mighigan District
Dr. David Adams,
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
Dr. Joel Heck,
Concordia University, Texas
Rev. Joshua Scheer,
Editor-in-Chief, Brothers of John the Steadfast
Dr. Barbara Helmkamp,
PH.D Physics, Faculty, Veritas Scholars Academy
Ascension Lutheran Church
1701 West Caley Ave
Littleton, CO 80120
Print a Conference Flyer, click here.
Print Conference Speaker Bios, click here.
Print a Conference Schedule, click here.
Print a Conference Bulletin Insert, click here.
Print a Conference Tri-Fold Brochure: click here.
You can stll register at the Door!
$75.00 per Part/ $115 for both Parts
High School and College students, $30.00
Teacher Scholarships are Still Available!!!
Note: If you are applying for a teacher scholarship, please
print off a form, fill it out and email it to helmkamp@q.com
Schools, please help us with our textbook survey! Print a
Survey Form here!
Click Here for Hotel Suggestions
For questions or problems regarding registration, please email
info@denversocietyofcreation.org or call 303-305-3759.
02 June 2019
“The Age of the Earth Conference”
(Co-Sponsored by the Rocky Mountain Creation
Four Leading Creation Scientists Talk About
How Their Research Confirms a Biblical Age
for the Earth!
Dr. Kevin Anderson - PH.D Microbiology, CRS
Dr. Danny Faulkner - PH.D, Astronomy, AiG
Dr. Tim Clarey - PH.D, Geology, ICR
Dr. Robert Carter, PH.D, Marine Biology, CMI
Peace Lutheran Church
5675 Field Street
Arvada, CO 80002
Print a Flyer, click here.
Print Speaker Bios, click here.
Print a Conference Schedule: click here
Print a Bulletin Insert click here.
Print a Tri-Fold Conference Brochure: click here.
Registration Is NOW OPEN!!
Registration - $15.00
Register NOW!
Register Online
Print Form to Mail
For questions or problems regarding registration, please email
info@denversocietyofcreation.org or call 303-305-3759.
Other Upcoming 2019 Conferences:
June 14-15, 2019 - The International Center of the Lutheran Church - Misssouri
Synod - Sponsored by the Society of Creation. Click Here for More Info!
Prior Events:
20 July - “Hot Dog, It’s Movie Night” - Learn about Noah’s
Flood and how it impacted our world. Hot Dogs, and Brats
Furnished - Bring a dish to pass! 4PM, Mt. Zion Lutheran
Church, 500 Drake Street, Denver, CO. Link to Flyer
29 – 30 June – Society of Creation Conference, Concordia
University, Mequon, WI
29 Jul – 01 Aug – International Conference on Creationism –
Pittsburg, PA. Link to their website.
6- 11 Aug – Creation Apologetics Teachers College – Glorieta,
NM. Link for more info.
Spend a Biblically Correct Day
at the Denver Museum of Nature
& Science!!!
07 April 2018
Hear Dr. Kevin Anderson, Ph.D speak on Dinosaur Soft Tissue
and enjoy a Biblically Correct tour of the Prehistoric Journey
Exhibts at the musem. Tour presented by Russ Carter of BC
Adults $15.00, Seniors $13.00, Students $10.00
(Includes admission to the museum and a free manual.)
For more information, click on the links below:
Flyer: Click here
Bulletin Insert: Click here
There are only 75 slots available, so get your reservation in
early. No walkups accepted.
Dr. Kevin L. Anderson earned his Ph.D. from Kansas State
University in microbiology. Later he then went on to the
University of Illinois to start his studies as a National Institutes of
Health postdoctoral fellow, and later he became a professor of
microbiology at Mississippi State University. At MSU he taught
graduate level molecular genetics courses and also was the major
professor for many doctoral and masters students. He then
served as a research microbiologist for the United States
Department of Agriculture.
Since 2003, he has served as the Director of the Van Andel
Creation Research Center for the Creation Research Society. He is
also presently the Editor-in-chief of the Creation Research Society
Quarterly. One of his main areas of research has been the
molecular analysis of bacterial interactions and molecular
genetics. He has written more than 20 papers in scientific
microbiology journals and has given presentations at many
nationwide and worldwide scientific meetings.
Dr. Anderson led the iDINO project for CRS which investigated
dinosaur soft tissue and is the author of a book and DVD entitled,
“Echoes of the Jurassic.”
Advanced Creation
03 February 2018 - Hope Lutheran Church, Aurora, CO -
8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
An advanced one-day course designed to prepare Christians with the knowledge
and tools that can be used in discussions with non-believers!
Topics Include:
The need for apologetics
Presuppositions and worldviews
The moral argument for God
Apologetics and critical thinking skills
Case Study: Does the age of the earth matter?
Evidence for the existence of God
This course was developed and will be taught by Mr. Mike Riddle , President of
Creation Training Initiative!
Mike Riddle is an international speaker and teacher on biblical creation and
apologetics. He has been teaching creation apologetics for over 35 years and
was a Captain in the U.S. Marine Corps and national champion in track and field!
Registration is $25.00 for Adults and $10.00 for teens.
This includes the cost of a manual, lunch and snacks. Please
join us!!!
To print a brochure: Click here
To print a flyer: Click here
To register, send an email to: info@denversocietyofcreation.org
or call 563-370-5990
Basic Creation Training!!
13 January 2018 - Hope Lutheran Church, Aurora, CO - 8:30 AM - 5:30
A one-day course designed to prepare Christians to speak about and defend the
Biblical account of creation!
This course was developed by Mike Riddle of Creation Training Initiative and will
be taught by three Denver Society of Creation Instructors, certified by CTI.
If you are a teen, parent, youth leader, educator or just someone who would like
to be able to defent your faith, this is the course for you!
Why Creation Apologetics?
Genesis 1-11 is the foundation of the gospel message; it is the place where we
find all our origins: the origin of our universe, the origin of marriage, the origin
of society , the origin of sin and many others. It is the beginning of God’s plan
for our salvation. Without a solid understanding of these beginnings: creation,
the fall and God’s judgments in the worldwide flood and the tower of Babel, it is
impossible to develop a truly Christian world view. This is becoming increasingly
evident in our society today.
Recent studies show that 90% of Christian children attend public schools, and of
that 90%, 70% lose their faith as the result of evolutionary teaching. Educate
yourself so that you can help these children defend themselves against this false
and dangerous teaching!
Registration is $25.00 ($20.00 for additional family members).
This includes the cost of a manual, lunch and snacks. Please
join us!!!
To print a brochure: Click here
To print a flyer: Click here
To register, send an email to: info@denversocietyofcreation.org
or call 563-370-5990
Hot Dog, It’s Movie Night!!!
Ascension Lutheran Church 1701 W Caley Ave, Littleton,
CO - 6:15 PM
We’ll be showing a set of DVDs from the Institute of Creation
“Uncovering the Truth About Dinosaurs”
23 August: Episode 1: Digging into Dinosaurs
Episode 2: Dinosaurs and Dragons
30 August: Episode 3: Dinosaurs and the Flood
Episode 4: The Hard Truth
“Uncovering the Truth about Dinosaurs “ explores the most fascinating and
mysterious creatures of all time - dinosaurs. We know they existed
because we’ve discovered their footprints and fossilized bones. But the
facts of their existence - and their extinction - remain shrouded in mystery.
What were the dinosaurs? When and where did they live? How and when
did they die? And why does it matter to Christians? The answers to these
mysteries are buried in Earth’s layers and revealed in the pages of the
Bible. Studying evidence from paleontology, geology, biology, archaeology
and history, we’ll get to the bottom of the story and unearth the real truth
about dinosaurs.” (From the DVD jacket, copyright 2016 Institute of
Creation Research.)
The DVDs are most appropriate for 4th Grade and above. An age
appropriate DVD will be shown for younger children. Bring the whole
Hot Dogs and Dinosaur (Chicken) Sandwiches will be served. Bring a dish to
To Print a Flyer, click here.
To Print a Bulletin Insert, click here.
This Event Is Now Filled!
RMCF Safari Sept. 9, 2017, 10 AM
Geology Field Trip with Dr. Steve Austin
Carpool/Caravan to several sites of Geologic Interest Near
the Garden of the Gods -- See Noah’s Flood Evidence!
Cost is $10.00 per person (includes field guide) and will be collected on site.
To register, send an email to johnbrowning12@comcast.net with address and
phone . For more information see www.youngearth.org .
To print a flyer, click here.
Dr. Steve Austin Events!!
Sunday, 10 September 2017
9:30 AM - Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church
Topic: “Great Earthquakes of the Bible”
To Print Flyer, click here:
To print Bulletin Insert, click here.
2:00 PM - Benson Earth Sciences Room 180
University of Colorado at Boulder
Topic: “Mt. St. Helens: Explosive Evidence for Creation”
To Print Flyer, click here. To Print Bulletin Insert, click Here.
Dr. Steve Austin is a field research geologist with a Ph.D. in geology, and is author
of three books, three videos, one computer software package, and more than forty
technical papers. His quest to understand sedimentary processes has launched
explorations onto six of the world's seven continents, taking him by helicopter into the
crater of the Mount St. Helens volcano, by bush plane onto glaciers in the high
mountains of Alaska, by raft through the entire Grand Canyon, on horseback into the
high Sierras, by SCUBA onto the Great Barrier Reef, by canoe into coastal swamps of
Australia, by foot to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro in Africa, and by ATV into remote
archaeological digs of the Middle East. Lightning, mudflows, avalanches, volcanic
eruptions, boiling creeks, quicksand, flash floods, blizzards, crocodiles, and venomous
snakes are hazards he has experienced during his quests. Geology students know Dr.
Austin for his extraordinary field trips and field teaching events. launching 24 raft trips
through Grand Canyon. Dr. Austin’s field research within Grand Canyon includes over
400 nights camped out below the Canyon’s rim. He has mapped large squid fossils
within a limestone stratum of Grand Canyon a distance of 200 miles through the
canyon to Las Vegas. Dead Sea sediments in Israel and Jordan are revealing the
sequence of earthquakes mentioned in the Bible. Laminated Dead Sea sediment
shows earthquake disturbances; the one assignable to 33 AD is likely the earthquake at
the crucifixion of Christ. Working with archaeologists in Israel and Jordan, Dr. Austin
believes he has found the lost cities of Sodom and Gomorrah.
In the Beginning, God…
Special Events:
Conference on
Creation and
Education in the
02 - 04 May, 2019
02 May- Denver Society of
Creation Meeting
7:00 PM
Dr. Jason Lisle
Evolutionary Model and
Free & Open to the
To Print a Meeting Flyer, click
To Print a Bulletin Insert, click
Part I:
03 May - “Defending God’s Word
God’s Way: A Workshop on Pre-
Suppositional Apologetics”
Dr. Jason Lisle, PH.D
“Understanding Genesis”
“The Ultimate Proof of
“Nuclear Strength
Apologetics”, Part 1 and 2
To Print a Part I Flyer, click
To Print a Part 1 Bulletin
Insert, click here
Part 2:
03 May - 04 May, 2019 - Creation
& Education in the LCMS
Mr. Mike Riddle ,
President, Creation Training Initiative
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Dean Wenthe,
President Concordia University System
President Emeritus,
Fort Wayne Theological Seminary
President Terry Forke,
Montana District
President John Wille,
South Wisconsin District
President David Maier,
Mighigan District
Dr. David Adams,
Concordia Seminary, St. Louis
Dr. Joel Heck,
Concordia University, Texas
Rev. Joshua Scheer,
Editor-in-Chief, Brothers of John the
Dr. Barbara Helmkamp,
PH.D Physics, Faculty, Veritas Scholars
Ascension Lutheran Church
1701 West Caley Ave
Littleton, CO 80120
Print a Conference Flyer, click
Print Conference Speaker
Bios, click here.
Print a Conference Schedule,
click here.
Print a Conference Bulletin
Insert, click here.
Print a Tri-Fold Conference
Brochure, click here.
You can still Register at the Door!
75.00 per Part/ $115 for both
High School and College
students, if accompanied by a
parent, $30.00
Teacher Scholarships are
Still Available!
Note: If you are applying for a
teacher scholarship, please
print off a form, fill it out and
email it to helmkamp@q.com
Schools, please help us with our
textbook survey! Print a
Survey Form here!
Click here for hotel suggestions:
For questions or problems
regarding registration, please email
or call 303-305-3759.
02 June 2019
“The Age of the
Earth Conference”
Four Leading Creation
Scientists Talk About
How Their Research
Confirms a Biblical Age
for the Earth!
Dr. Kevin Anderson - PH.D
Microbiology, CRS
Dr. Danny Faulkner - PH.D, Astronomy,
Dr. Tim Clarey - PH.D, Geology, ICR
Dr. Robert Carter, PH.D, Marine
Biology, CMI
Peace Lutheran Church
5675 Field Street
Arvada, CO 80002
Print a Flyer, click here.
Print Speaker Bios, click
Print a Conference
Schedule: click here
Print a Bulletin Insert click
Print a Tri-Fold Conference
Brochure, click here.
Registration Is NOW OPEN!!
Registration - $15.00
Register Online
Print Form to Mail
For questions or problems
regarding registration, please email
or call 303-305-3759.
Other Upcoming 2019
June 14-15, 2019 - The
International Center of the
Lutheran Church - Misssouri
Synod - Sponsored by the
Society of Creation. Click Here
for More Info!
Prior Events:
20 July - “Hot Dog, It’s Movie
Night” - Learn about Noah’s
Flood and how it impacted our
world. Hot Dogs, and Brats
Furnished - Bring a dish to
pass! 4PM, Mt. Zion Lutheran
Church, 500 Drake Street,
Denver, CO. Link to Flyer
29 – 30 June – Society of
Creation Conference,
Concordia University, Mequon,
29 Jul – 01 Aug – International
Conference on Creationism –
Pittsburg, PA. Link to their
6- 11 Aug – Creation
Apologetics Teachers College –
Glorieta, NM. Link for more
Spend a
Correct Day
at the Denver
Museum of
Nature &
07 April
Hear Dr. Kevin Anderson, Ph.D
speak on Dinosaur Soft Tissue and
enjoy a Biblically Correct tour of the
Prehistoric Journey Exhibts at the
musem. Tour presented by Russ
Carter of BC Tours.
Adults $15.00, Seniors $13.00,
Students $10.00
(Includes admission to the museum
and a free manual.)
For more information, click on the
links below:
Flyer: Click here
Bulletin Insert: Click here
There are only 75 slots available,
so get your reservation in early.
No walkups accepted.
Dr. Kevin L. Anderson earned his
Ph.D. from Kansas State University
in microbiology. Later he then went
on to the University of Illinois to
start his studies as a National
Institutes of Health postdoctoral
fellow, and later he became a
professor of microbiology at
Mississippi State University. At MSU
he taught graduate level molecular
genetics courses and also was the
major professor for many doctoral
and masters students. He then
served as a research microbiologist
for the United States Department of
Since 2003, he has served as the
Director of the Van Andel Creation
Research Center for the Creation
Research Society. He is also
presently the Editor-in-chief of the
Creation Research Society
Quarterly. One of his main areas of
research has been the molecular
analysis of bacterial interactions
and molecular genetics. He has
written more than 20 papers in
scientific microbiology journals and
has given presentations at many
nationwide and worldwide scientific
Dr. Anderson led the iDINO project
for CRS which investigated dinosaur
soft tissue and is the author of a
book and DVD entitled, “Echoes of
the Jurassic.”
03 February 2018 - Hope
Lutheran Church, Aurora, CO -
8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
An advanced one-day course
designed to prepare Christians
with the knowledge and tools
that can be used in discussions
with non-believers!
Topics Include:
The need for apologetics
Presuppositions and
The moral argument for
Apologetics and critical
thinking skills
Case Study: Does the age
of the earth matter?
Evidence for the existence
of God
This course was developed and
will be taught by Mr. Mike
Riddle , President of Creation
Training Initiative!
Mike Riddle is an international
speaker and teacher on biblical
creation and apologetics. He
has been teaching creation
apologetics for over 35 years
and was a Captain in the U.S.
Marine Corps and national
champion in track and field!
Registration is $25.00 for Adults
and $10.00 for teens.
This includes the cost of a manual,
lunch and snacks. Please join us!!!
To print a brochure: Click here
To print a flyer: Click here
To register, send an email to:
or call 563-370-5990
Basic Creation
13 January 2018 - Hope
Lutheran Church, Aurora, CO
- 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM
A one-day course designed to
prepare Christians to speak
about and defend the Biblical
account of creation!
This course was developed by
Mike Riddle of Creation Training
Initiative and will be taught by
three Denver Society of
Creation Instructors, certified by
If you are a teen, parent, youth
leader, educator or just
someone who would like to be
able to defent your faith, this is
the course for you!
Why Creation Apologetics?
Genesis 1-11 is the foundation
of the gospel message; it is the
place where we find all our
origins: the origin of our
universe, the origin of marriage,
the origin of society , the origin
of sin and many others. It is the
beginning of God’s plan for our
salvation. Without a solid
understanding of these
beginnings: creation, the fall
and God’s judgments in the
worldwide flood and the tower
of Babel, it is impossible to
develop a truly Christian world
view. This is becoming
increasingly evident in our
society today.
Recent studies show that 90%
of Christian children attend
public schools, and of that 90%,
70% lose their faith as the result
of evolutionary teaching.
Educate yourself so that you
can help these children defend
themselves against this false
and dangerous teaching!
Registration is $25.00 ($20.00 for
additional family members). This
includes the cost of a manual,
lunch and snacks. Please join us!!!
To print a brochure: Click here
To print a flyer: Click here
To register, send an email to:
or call 563-370-5990
Hot Dog, It’s
Movie Night!!!
Ascension Lutheran
Church 1701 W Caley
Ave, Littleton, CO - 6:15
We’ll be showing a set of DVDs
from the Institute of Creation
“Uncovering the Truth
About Dinosaurs”
23 August: Episode 1: Digging into Dinosaurs
Episode 2: Dinosaurs and Dragons
30 August: Episode 3: Dinosaurs and the Flood
Episode 4: The Hard Truth
“Uncovering the Truth about
Dinosaurs “ explores the most
fascinating and mysterious
creatures of all time -
dinosaurs. We know they
existed because we’ve
discovered their footprints
and fossilized bones. But the
facts of their existence - and
their extinction - remain
shrouded in mystery. What
were the dinosaurs? When
and where did they live? How
and when did they die? And
why does it matter to
Christians? The answers to
these mysteries are buried in
Earth’s layers and revealed in
the pages of the Bible.
Studying evidence from
paleontology, geology,
biology, archaeology and
history, we’ll get to the
bottom of the story and
unearth the real truth about
dinosaurs.” (From the DVD
jacket, copyright 2016
Institute of Creation
The DVDs are most
appropriate for 4th Grade
and above. An age
appropriate DVD will be
shown for younger children.
Bring the whole family!!!
Hot Dogs and Dinosaur (Chicken)
Sandwiches will be served.
Bring a dish to share!
To Print a Flyer, click here.
To Print a Bulletin Insert, click
This Event Is
Now Filled!
RMCF Safari
Sept. 9, 2017,
10 AM
Geology Field Trip with
Dr. Steve Austin
Carpool/Caravan to
several sites of Geologic
Interest Near the
Garden of the Gods --
See Noah’s Flood
Cost is $10.00 per person
(includes field guide) and will be
collected on site.
To register, send an email to
with address and phone . For
more information see
www.youngearth.org .
To print a flyer, click here.
Dr. Steve
Sunday, 10 September
9:30 AM - Shepherd of
the Hills Lutheran
Topic: “Great
Earthquakes of the
To Print Flyer, click here:
To print Bulletin Insert, click
2:00 PM - Benson Earth
Sciences Room 180
University of Colorado at
Topic: “Mt. St. Helens:
Explosive Evidence for
To Print Flyer, click here. To
Print Bulletin Insert, click Here.
Dr. Steve Austin is a field research geologist
with a Ph.D. in geology, and is author of three
books, three videos, one computer software
package, and more than forty technical papers.
His quest to understand sedimentary processes
has launched explorations onto six of the
world's seven continents, taking him by
helicopter into the crater of the Mount St.
Helens volcano, by bush plane onto glaciers in
the high mountains of Alaska, by raft through
the entire Grand Canyon, on horseback into the
high Sierras, by SCUBA onto the Great Barrier
Reef, by canoe into coastal swamps of Australia,
by foot to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro in
Africa, and by ATV into remote archaeological
digs of the Middle East. Lightning, mudflows,
avalanches, volcanic eruptions, boiling creeks,
quicksand, flash floods, blizzards, crocodiles,
and venomous snakes are hazards he has
experienced during his quests. Geology
students know Dr. Austin for his extraordinary
field trips and field teaching events. launching
24 raft trips through Grand Canyon. Dr. Austin’s
field research within Grand Canyon includes
over 400 nights camped out below the Canyon’s
rim. He has mapped large squid fossils within a
limestone stratum of Grand Canyon a distance
of 200 miles through the canyon to Las Vegas.
Dead Sea sediments in Israel and Jordan are
revealing the sequence of earthquakes
mentioned in the Bible. Laminated Dead Sea
sediment shows earthquake disturbances; the
one assignable to 33 AD is likely the earthquake
at the crucifixion of Christ. Working with
archaeologists in Israel and Jordan, Dr. Austin
believes he has found the lost cities of Sodom
and Gomorrah.