January 12, 2023, 7:00 PM
Mr. Zion Lutheran Church, 500 Drake Street, Denver, CO
It’s Movie Night!
“Genesis: Impact”
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After attending a lecture on human evolution at a natural history
museum, Christina, a young creationist, questions the lecturer and
argues against the theory of evolution.
Millions of people stream into Natural History Museums every year
where they are presented the idea that life evolved on earth over
millions of years. Is there a different view? Yes, there certainly is,
and we believe the Bible presents the viewpoint about origins
and earth’s history that actually fits the evidence. This movie takes
on the leading 12 evolutionary icons presented in museums:
the Human-Chimp 99% Myth, key ape-to-human icons like
Ardipithecus ramidus, “Lucy” the Australopithecus, Homo habilis,
Neanderthals, Darwin’s Finches, the fossil record and transitional
forms, Continental drift and Pangea, Dinosaurs, Whale Evolution,
Historical vs. Observational Science, and Deep Time based on
Radiometric Dating.
Staged as an interaction between a secular museum docent and a
well-versed creationist, the actors go head-to-head on contrasting
views over these major evolutionary icons.
This movie is “basic training” on the false “science” of evolution. It is
especially great for junior high through college age young adults.
Bring your children and grandchildren!
Director: Brett Varvel
Cast: Drew Varvel, Abby Emerick, Cole Servizzi, Becky Emerick,
Hannah Bradley, Dalyn Stewart, Reggie McGuire
Executive producer: Daniel A. Biddle
Please note the change in date. We have
moved the meeting back one week to avoid
a conflict with Epiphany,